From our Chair - July 2024

Along with my Peru Urban Councils Victoria (PUCV) members, we have been continuing the task of promoting the needs of our peri urban communities with our state and federal leaders.

A significant milestone was reached during the recent Australian Council of Local Government conference in Canberra – an annual forum for local government to engage directly with Federal leaders - where a special panel session was held by our federal leaders to discuss the needs of peri-urban and regional city communities.

The panel, consisted of:

  • Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, Kristy McBain; and

  • Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health, Emma McBride MP; and

  • Deputy Secretary, Regional Cities and Territories Group, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, David Mackay.

The session unearthed some uniting themes around growth and liveability. PUCV commends the Government for an interesting discussion and an excellent conference.

From a policy perspective, PUCV is preparing a submission on the National Urban Policy as well as Plan Victoria to ensure there is recognition and appropriate investment in peri-urban areas as large numbers of people continue to leave the big cities favour of the lifestyle and economic benefits of our communities.

Finally I would like to recognise the work of departed Golden Plains Shire, CEO Eric Braslis who was a formative member of our alliance and who’s contribution will be missed around the board table.  Congratulations on your new appointment Eric!

Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to keeping you updated on our continued progress.

Cr Michael Leaney,


Peri-Urban Councils Victoria



Statement on Infrastructure Contribution Reform


Peri-Urban Councils of Australia Roundtable