Privacy Policy

Peri Urban Councils Victoria (PUCV) is committed to putting you first by taking the proper protection of your personal information. The purpose of the PUCV Privacy Policy is to inform you how we collect, manage, hold and disclose your personal Information, which is inclined to Australia’s privacy principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

By using our website, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as provided by this Privacy Policy.

We recommend that you read our Privacy Policy carefully.

What do we cover by this Privacy Policy?

In this Privacy Policy, we outline our practices of how we manage your personal information, and this includes-

  • The types of personal information we collect;

  • How we collect the information and hold it;

  • The purposes of collecting it;

  • How we share your information with whom;

  • How we secure your data; and

  • How you can contact us in case you have a complaint to make or any queries regarding our Privacy Policy.

What kind of personal information does we collect and why?

In order to provide you with the highest level of service, we collect and hold necessary personal information for our business activities. Below is some example of personal information that we may collect from you.

  • Your name

  • Address

  • Email address

  • Contact number

We collect your personal information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing. We may also use your personal information for secondary purposes which are closely related to the primary purpose in circumstances requiring your consent.

How we gather your personal data

The personal information that we collect is obtained solely through a web form embedded in our website. Note that we also use website analytics and social media analytics, which tracks data about users of our website and may store cookies on your computer.

So, here are some common circumstances by which we collect your personal information;

  • When you visit and register an account on our website;

  • When you accept our cookies and other tracking technologies on your device;

  • When you subscribe to any of our services, such as newsletters;

  • When you make an enquiry about us and contact via email or phone; and

  • When you interact with us on our social media account.

Third Parties

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your personal information only from you. However, in some circumstances, we may be provided with information by third parties who work as our trusted partners from time to time. We use The Collective Position as a third party that helps us manage the secretariat services and stakeholder lists. In such a case, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

How do we use your personal information?

PURG may use and disclose the collected personal data for the purposes of-

  • Maintaining and improving services and also to monitor its effectiveness;

  • Verifying identity and also for fraud detection;

  • Our internal management, analysis and tracking needs;

  • Deliver information to personalise your customer experience;

  • Promote our services on our platforms;

  • Communicating with you in relation to your queries and requests, or to notify you of any matters relating to you;

  • Any purposes you have consented to; and

  • Any use, which is required or authorised by law.

Use of sensitive information

Some of our services may require us to collect some of your sensitive information. Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.
Sensitive Information will be used by us only:

  • For the primary purpose for which it was obtained;

  • For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose;

  • With your consent, or where required or authorised by law.


Where you provide personal information to us as a service provider, contractor or prospective employee, we collect your personal information to enable us to fulfil the purpose and related purposes for which you provided the information.

To whom we will disclose your personal information

We do our best to minimise the disclosure of your personal data, but when necessary, we share your personal information to-

  • Our employees, representatives and workers.

  • Any entity to whom you have consented us to disclose your personal information to.

  • Any entity we are authorised in accordance with the law to disclose your personal data.

Exceptions with the third parties are mentioned below since some of your personal information might be shared with The Collective Position, which works in managing the secretariat services and stakeholder lists for PURG.

  • Third parties where you consent to the use or disclosure; and

  • Where required or authorised by law.

Cross border disclosure

PURG may disclose some of your personal information to recipients overseas. In that case, we comply with applicable laws in doing so by obtaining your approval unless there is any existence of exception under applicable laws. We also ensure that the information which is provided to the recipient located outside of Australia will not use, hold or disclose any data that is inconsistent with the Australian Privacy Principles.

How do we secure your personal information?

PURG takes all reasonable steps to ensure the security of our system, keeping the privacy and safety of your personal information in mind. Our employees and entities who provide services related to the information system are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data’s that we hold.

Also, to keep that information safe from unauthorised access, loss or misuse, we implement a range of security measures and eruption protocols. Hence we store all your personal data electronically on secure servers, which are protected via controlled facilities.

When your personal information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information.

Access to your information

Once you become our registered user, you hold the right to request your access to correct some of your personal information like your name, birthday or billing address to keep them updated and accurate, in case those are irrelevant, out of date or misleading. And for the personal information that you need to update but cannot be corrected by you, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.

Unsubscribe/ delete your account

You may opt-out your consent for us to send you marketing communications at any time. Either through your account settings on our website or contact our customer service team, you can apply to unsubscribe for marketing communications. And once we receive your notification, it might take a few days for your withdrawal to be reflected in our system. Then, we will no longer use, hold or disclose your personal data or provide you with any promotional messages.

Policy updates

From time to time, PUCV may change its policy periodically, and the revised version will be available on the website.

Privacy policy complaints and enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

C/ – Collective Position
PO Box 320
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650