From our Chair - Nov 2023
PUCV Deputy-Chair Cr Moira Berry, Hon Catherine King MP Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government and Chair PUCV Cr Michael Leaney
The Peri Urban Councils Victoria (PUCV) team have been working hard to raise the profile and awareness of peri urban issues both at a state and national level.
Therefore, I am thrilled that PUCV have been invited to join a new Federal Government roundtable tasked with shaping Australia’s new National Urban Policy. Read more
Our alliance continues to take a leadership role on growth issues, visiting the nation’s capital recently to advocate for a better deal for the fast-growing fringe. This includes getting the investment right on issues such as housing, digital connectivity, roads and liveability and community infrastructure. Read more
PUCV also convened a National Peri Urban Roundtable with counterparts from other states including National Growth Areas Alliance, Wollondilly Shire Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, City of Cockburn and Town of Gawler Council to discuss common issues impacting the peri urban areas around Australia. Conversations with these councils will continue to ensure that peri urban community voices and issues can be highlighted at a national level.
From a policy perspective, PUCV has been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to develop a Housing Policy Paper, to identify and address the serious challenges regarding access to social and affordable housing in the region. We also welcomed the Victorian Government’s Housing Statement, noting the government’s intention to begin the task of addressing the housing crisis in peri urban areas. Read more
We have also been developing the PUCV Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25 as the centrepiece of our advocacy program for the year ahead. This document will outline the strategic opportunities and policy priorities for our region, building a strong case for increased investment in line with population growth.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.